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Gangrel Savage and Macabre.jpg
Gangrel Savage and Macabre p. 112
Cost 1 Vitae
Action Instant
Disciplines Protean ••
Obfuscate ••
XP 12 xp
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By concentrating for a single turn, the Hound’s flesh assumes the shapes and coloration's of his surroundings. This is not a perfect camouflage: his flesh does not bear out the precise details of what lays near him. But at a distance and in the dark, it’s a surprisingly effective way to remain hidden and pursue the hunt for humans.

Every success on the roll incurs a - 2 penalty to any Perception rolls (Wits + Composure or Wits + Investigation) made to spot the user. If it’s particularly dark or in wild territory, the Devotion roll might gain +1 to +3 depending on the severity of the shadows and the wilderness. The opposite holds true, as well: a -1 to -3 penalty might apply depending on the intensity of ambient light or the closeness of urban living (people, vehicles, noise, motion).

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