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Bloodlines The Chosen p. 23
Disciplines Auspex ••••
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XP 18 xp
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The Exegesis is the Agoniste’s ritual of exploration, through which the members of the line enter the mystic, transformative sleep. Those Kindred who wish to join the line must endure the Exegesis to change their Vitae and finalize their entry. Agonistes seeking to learn this and other ritual Devotions of the bloodline must undergo the Exegesis each time.

Through the lucid torpor induced by this Devotion, the vampire gains a better sense of the Kindred condition. Agonistes planning to undergo lengthy torpors to thin the blood universally seek another vampire of the line to perform the ritual on them, and an Agoniste so treated suffers no torpid nightmares and is only weakly affected by the Fog of Eternity. An Agoniste only gains this advantage in a torpor entered into through this power. This power has no effect on vampires outside of the bloodline, but the ritualism that surrounds the Exegesis may help peacefully lower a willing vampire into torpor.

There are Agonistes who make a point of declaring the number of times they have experienced the Exegesis to one another. Some wear a coded mark or series of marks on their body (or flesh) to make the declaration clear to all observers, while others are more subtle in their approach. The declaration becomes something of a badge of honor, indicating one’s superior will to plumb the depths of torpor and retrieve the lost secrets of the Kindred. Lying about the number of attempts or otherwise exaggerating when discussing the Exegesis is considered extremely distasteful to all self-respecting members of the line.

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