Blood Shield

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Blood Shield
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Ancient Mysteries.jpg
Ancient Mysteries p. 73
Disciplines Resilience •••••
Vigor •••
Celerity ••
XP 39 xp
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This Devotion is rumored to have survived for millennia as a way for vampires in ancient times to stand beneath the light of the Sun, even if for just a few seconds. In modern nights, there are other useful ways to employ this Devotion for vampires unwilling to take that leap of faith. Surviving a major conflagration is one such use.

When a Kindred activates this Devotion, he literally forces his Vitae out the pores of his skin, creating a thick, coagulated blood shield that begins smoldering almost immediately. Obviously, use of this Devotion depends upon the amount of Vitae in the Kindred’s body and/or the amount of Willpower he can expend.

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