Animals do not weather the Embrace. Sometimes, the spark simply fails to take: the vampire wastes his precious Vitae by pouring it down the throat of a dead beast. Other times, the animal’s body seems to reject it: as the potent blood stirs the creature to a second life, the body contorts, bones snap, and the skin tightens to the point that it ruptures. Any semblance of false life is temporary and gone in moments.
But with this Devotion, some Savages have learned to mimic the vampiric condition in animals. The Gangrel kills the creature and drains its blood (though he needn’t swallow said blood if his body cannot absorb such base material). Then, as the animal’s life goes winking out, the Gangrel feeds it his own Vitae and performs the roll below. The creature gives into a reasonable facsimile of life; this is no Requiem, not really, but for all appearances it’s easy to assume that somehow the beast was given the Embrace and dragged into immortality.