From Edge of Darkness Wiki
This Category is used to classify all characters in the Mage: The Awakening venue.
- General Mage information should use the Category Category:Mage: The Awakening
- This category uses the form Form:Add Mage Character and Edit Mage Character
- Subcategory of Category:Characters
- Browse all Mages with filters: Availability, PC or NPC, Cabal, Order, Path, Legacy, Initiate, Apprentice, Disciple, Adept, Master
Welcome to Mage: the Awakening, a storytelling game of Modern Sorcery.
There are 13 active Mage characters, made up of 1 Acanthus, 2 Mastigos, 3 Moros, 3 Obrimos, and 4 Thyrsus.
Their allegiances are 4 Adamantine Arrow, 2 Guardians of the Veil, 2 Free Council, 4 Mysterium, 1 Silver Ladder, and 0 Apostates. |