Abyssal Resonance | 1 + |
Adept | Fate +, and Time + |
Apprentice | Mind + |
Arcana Mastery | Adept of Fate +, Disciple of Forces +, Apprentice of Mind +, Master of Prime +, and Adept of Time + |
Avatar | Keanu Reeves + |
Character Name | Winter + |
Character Status | Active + |
Character Type | Mage + |
Combat Awareness | 1 + |
Consilium Status | 2 + |
Disciple | Forces + |
Eidetic Memory | 2 + |
Fate Arcana | Adept + |
Forces Arcana | Disciple + |
Former Position | Sentinel +, and Councilor + |
Forumid | 333675 + |
Grappling | 2 + |
Hallow | 2 + |
Has Merit | Abyssal Resonance +, Combat Awareness +, Eidetic Memory +, Grappling +, MAC +, High Speech +, Occultation +, Resources +, Status +, Tolerance for Biology +, Trained Observer +, Multi-Lingual +, Hallow +, and Sanctum + |
Has Rote | Evil Eye +, Probable Cause +, Quantum Flux +, Zone of Extremity +, Telekinesis +, Gain Skill +, Incognito Presence +, Zeal +, Acceleration +, Glimpsing the Future +, Perfect Timing +, Postcognition +, and Shifting Sands + |
High Speech | 1 + |
Influential In | Academia + |
Last Post | Last Post + |
Lived In | Sacramento + |
MAC | 2 + |
Master | Prime + |
Mind Arcana | Apprentice + |
Multi-Lingual | 1 + |
Occultation | 1 + |
Oneaccount | No + |
Order | Guardians of the Veil + |
Order Status | 3 + |
PC or NPC | PC + |
Path | Obrimos + |
Path Status | 1 + |
Player | Vincent + |
PlayerID | 333661 + |
Position | Susceptor + |
Posted | 1 February 2025 + |
Presence | 2 + |
Prime Arcana | Master + |
Resources | 2 + |
Sacramento End | 1 February 2025 + |
Sacramento Start | 31 March 2018 + |
Sanctum | 2 + |
Secondary Picture | warning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted. |
Status | 2 + |
Status In | Academia + |
Status in Academia | 2 + |
Tenure | 6.8 + |
Threadid | 38055 + |
Time Arcana | Adept + |
Tolerance for Biology | 1 + |
Trained Observer | 1 + |
Venue | Mage + |