From Edge of Darkness Wiki
![]() World of Darkness Sourcebook 116 | |
Level(s) |
● (2XP) ●● (6XP) ●●● (12XP) ●●●● (20XP) ●●●●● (30XP) |
Venue | All |
Possessed By | |
Your character has standing, credentials, authority or respect within an organization, group, company or social body. He might have an official position or title, or might simply be revered and honored within the group and therefore accorded a degree of authority. Your character might be a company vice president, a police sergeant or lieutenant, an army corporal or a nurse at a hospital. Or he could be a lowly member of the group whom everyone likes or who has won some acclaim and is allowed more standing than he is officially entitled.
A listing of the active characters and their Status Merits can be found on the forums.
Each acquisition of this Merit is dedicated to one type of authority, whether in an organization, society or circle. Examples include police, City Hall, criminals, unions, banks, a university faculty and hospital staff. In order to have authority in more than one venue, you need to purchase this Merit multiple times, each trait with its own dots. Thus, your character might have Status (Emergency Services) ●●, Status (Criminals) ●●● and Status (City Hall) ●, each acquired separately at character creation or during play. You would need to explain how he reconciles all this authority in the setting. The aforementioned character might be a dirty police sergeant who has paid his dues in civil elections and gained some recognition among city officials.
Status represents the privileges and liberties that your character is authorized to take within the confines and definitions of his group. Increasing dots reflect increasing clout. A cop with Status 1 can enter the suspect lockup and interrogation rooms, while a cop with Status 4 can enter the evidence locker without supervision or get involved in a crimescene investigation without specifically being called in.
Contents |
Status As Accreditation
Status should be taken to represent higher learning or professional certifications. Examples:
- Bachelors or Masters degrees require a minimum Status ●
- Doctorates (including lawyers) require a minimum Status ●●
- Licensed Architect requires Status ●●
- Minimum requirements denote lesser known schools/barely practicing; Ivy League schools or respected professionals would require dots above the minimum.
Status As Influence
Status can be taken in any of the Spheres of Influence, or subsets thereof.
![]() | The EoD game only uses Status pertaining to the local (municipal/city) level; federal and military Status are unavailable to avoid conflicts of jurisdiction. |
Status As Licenses
Status should be taken to represent licenses. Examples:
- Concealed Firearms Carry License requires Status ●●
- Pilot license is License requires Status ●●●
- Private Investigator License requires Status ●
Status As Rank
“Status” is an out-of-character game term. It quantifies perceptions that exist in character, but no Kindred would describe herself (or anyone else) as having “Status 2,” and players should avoid using such terms as much as possible. The terms below can be woven into in-character conversation seamlessly and can even be used in out-of-character conversations between players to remain in the habit. These words are generally capitalized so that their system implications are clear. The phrases in quotations are other ways to convey the same information.
- This applies to "faction" Status: City (Freehold/Consilium/Domain/etc), Family (Path/Clan/etc), & Organization (Court/Order/Covenant/Tribe/etc)
- Public is what you would say to a stranger, if asked about another character
- Private is what you would say to your friends while discussing another character
If a person does not hold a position, they should not rise above 1 unless they are just the unquestioned awesomeness of society, and simply haven't gotten a position yet, or have declined one. Remember: If you're giving out higher Status than is appropriate, it will reflect poorly on you.
- -: No Status; Lynch mob.
- •: Acknowledged (or “of low standing or rank”); This person, simply is. A good citizen, but nothing exceptional.
- ••: Recognized (or “of some standing or rank”); This person is a 'rising star', perhaps a Whip or Deputy.
- •••: Valued (or “of significant standing or rank”); This person does, or should, hold a considerable position or is well respected. Perhaps a Sheriff or Priscus.
- ••••: Respected (or “of high standing or rank”); This person should have a major say in affairs, or is already in the upper echelon/elite.
- •••••: Admired (or “of pre-eminent standing or rank”); You think as highly of this person as the Prince/Hierarch/Sovereign/Pack Alpha, or they are that figure, or should be.
For Example: For declaring Status, one would state that “William Scott is Acknowledged by Clan Gangrel,” “Dillon Radley is Respected in the domain of London,” and “In the eyes of the Invictus, none is more Admired than Joshua Musgrove himself.”
Character Type | All + |
Merit Dots | 1 +, 2 +, 3 +, 4 +, and 5 + |
Merit Type | Social + |
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki. | Merit Editor + |
Parent | World of Darkness Sourcebook +, and Status + |
Permission | Allowed +, and House Ruled + |
Source | World of Darkness Sourcebook + |