The mage alters probability, so that all mundane actions with uncertain outcomes resolve themselves as either triumphs or disasters.
The spell affects actions undertaken by any and all characters within its area of effect, centered on a targeted spot:
Successes / Area-Affected
- 1 success = 1-yard radius
- 2 successes = 2-yard radius
- 3 successes = 4-yard radius
- 4 successes = 8-yard radius
- 5 successes = 16-yard radius
Within the Zone of Extremity, all failures become dramatic failures. All standard successes are treated as exceptional successes. This effect applies only to mundane actions, not spellcasting.
With Fate 3 and a cost of one Mana during casting, the default Duration becomes prolonged (one scene).
Free Council Rote: Hail Mary Pass
Risk-takers of the Free Council resort to this rote in situations in which the need for an over-the-top success outweighs the potential for devastating failure.