From Edge of Darkness Wiki
Characters ● Mages ● Demise
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With a thin build and standing only 4'11" Rachel Evans is often described as petite. Her black hair is long enough to go go half way down her back. She tends to dress casual, jeans and simple blouses for the most part though she is rarely seen with out her purple framed glasses.
The light around her dulls as if filtered by some unseen source while her eyes go black and a strong feeling of hopelessness hangs in the air.
Facts about DemiseRDF feed
Avatar | Unknown + |
Character Name | Demise + |
Character Status | Inactive + |
Character Type | Mage + |
Consilium Status | 0 + |
Forumid | 0 + |
Last Post | Last Post + |
Lived In | Sacramento + |
Oneaccount | No + |
Order | Mysterium + |
Order Status | 0 + |
PC or NPC | PC + |
Path | Moros + |
Path Status | 0 + |
Player | Penguin + |
PlayerID | 852 + |
Plot | Book Regulation + |
Posted | 29 January 2012 + |
Presence | 2 + |
Sacramento End | 29 January 2012 + |
Sacramento Start | 11 October 2011 + |
Secondary Picture | warning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted. |
Tenure | 0.3 + |
Threadid | 62 + |
Venue | Mage + |