From Edge of Darkness Wiki
Characters ● Mages ● Phrymides
Striking Looks ●●●● |
Created by tsameti |
A neokoros of the Mysterium, well known for her clumsiness and Breaches of the Veil.
Facts about PhrymidesRDF feed
Avatar | Eva Green + |
Character Name | Phrymides + |
Character Status | Inactive + |
Character Type | Mage + |
Consilium Status | 3 + |
Forumid | 0 + |
Has Merit | Striking Looks + |
Last Post | Last Post + |
Lived In | Sacramento + |
Oneaccount | No + |
Order | Mysterium + |
Order Status | 1 + |
PC or NPC | PC + |
Path | Obrimos + |
Path Status | 2 + |
Player | Mage ST + |
PlayerID | 713 + |
Posted | 22 May 2021 + |
Presence | 1 + |
Sacramento End | 22 May 2021 + |
Sacramento Start | 10 August 2011 + |
Secondary Picture | warning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted. |
Striking Looks | 4 + |
Tenure | 9.8 + |
Threadid | 193 + |
Venue | Mage + |