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“Anything you call noise is simply music you do not understand. From political discourse, to the changing forms of media, to the static between stations on a radio... I understand the noise.”
Consilium Obrimos Silver Ladder
Member of Unbound Smoke
Fame ●●● (Entertainment)
(Guitar Hero)
Former Deacon of the Silver Ladder

First Impressions

Ixidor stands a lithe and wiry 6'1” with a weight that seems to vary almost daily, from a healthy 205 to a stringy 165, depending on the severity of his most recent bender. Though not an ugly man by any means, it's more his manner of dress and generous application of tattoos and jewelry that earn him his Striking Looks (•• Eccentric). Crosses, keys, and skulls are some of his more popular motifs. His strong Presence is a simple intensity that makes others find it hard to look away from him. Though not terribly uncommon among creatures of the supernatural, it gives him star quality among the throngs of Sleepers.

Confident bordering on brash in conversation, Ixidor has little interest in social finesse. Though this can certainly cause friction, many appreciate his frank honesty. He tells it like it is, without malice or apology. That he's usually the casual, laid-back type only increases his disinterest for verbal grace.


Any character who has paid any attention to the music industry since about 1994 can roll Wits + Composure +4 to recognize Ixidor as the rock musician Adrian Isaacs. They may know at least the following facts about him, give or take, depending on their successes and whether or not they're a fan of the genre (list subject to change):

  • Adrian is both an accomplished Guitarist and Bassist, who is capable of singing at the same time.
  • Usually does shows solo. His live performances are minimalist, with just him and the audience. Occasionally a drum or symphony track background.
  • Records all of the tracks on his albums himself. Has stated in interviews that he's pretty sure a band wouldn't be able to stand him for very long.
  • Has had a long record of substance abuse and public intoxication arrests.
  • Has somehow managed never to marry or reproduce.


Ixidor's Nimbus reveals him as one of the Divine Host that has been cast out, attacked by angelic beings of primal power and energy. Shadows condense about his form, turning him into a silhouette of a figure in a cloak with majestic wings stretching behind him. Both the cloak and the wings are ragged and torn as if they've been through many a battle without rest. Scorched by Supernal fire, Ixidor's shadowy Nimbus is lit by the occasional ember that still burns with a sullen light, a light that is reflected in his eyes. When activated by his Vice, the burning embers and glowing eyes become apparent. When activated by his Virtue, the faded glory of his cloak and wings appear.



Adrian Ecstasy Isaacs was born on December the 21st, 1979 in Knoxville Tennessee. What his mother was thinking when she gave him the middle name of her favorite street drug is anybody's guess, but it proved to be dangerous foreshadowing. His youth was a fast one, hard and mean for a gifted boy like him. He was very smart, and no one accepted it. He was very creative, but everyone used it as a means to get attention without truly appreciating what he had to offer. All too soon, Adrian turned to substance abuse of every kind in his search for acceptance and friendship.

He was busted out of every College University he attended, much to the disappointment of some of his more astute professors. They all knew, or thought they suspected, of what Adrian was capable of, but there were rules. Rules which he broke without hesitance or remorse. Some of the most brilliant student examinations on Mathematics and dynamical systems were forgotten by the wayside as Adrian was repeatedly expelled for drug and alcohol abuse, wild hedonistic parties, and loud, loud music.

Which brings us to his lucky break. Always the man with a guitar or bass in his hand at said parties, singing at the top of his lungs and genuinely entertaining the crowd, Adrian was eventually noticed by some very important people. His success is measurable, but held back by the bad habits he can now afford to fuel with reckless abandon. It seems he is determined to plummet headlong into an early grave.


In the spring of 2004, Adrian Isaacs overdoses dangerously on tranquilizers and heroin, compounded with a blood alcohol ratio that is toxic for men half again his weight and healthy. He is pronounced clinically dead for almost five minutes.

It is during this five minutes that the Watchtower of the Golden Key calls Adrian across the Abyss into the Realm Supernal for an eternity of struggle. He views the Ascension as something sacred and mighty, that he should be too tainted to touch. All around him glows in pure, holy radiance, while he is cast in shadow and cinder. He spots other beings, angelic things that point out his contradiction to them. “You are tarnished,” they say. “Unworthy.” “You are Fallen, and do not belong here.”

But Adrian heeds the call. Through sheer force of will, he brings his scarred darkness to the top of the watchtower, plucks a quill from his own dirty wings, and inscribes his name on a tapestry in his blood.

Flung back into the Fallen World, he is Awakened.


Now the Theurgist Thearch called Ixidor, Adrian is biding his time amassing knowledge and power. Only his never ending thirst for truth and insight quell his inner demons, which grow more severe as fast as he learns to manage them.

Though Sacramento is intended to be only one stop of many, he is patient (or sometimes, lazy), and intends to enjoy his stay for as many years as he feels is necessary. With his small measure of fame and wealth, and his large measure of confidence and talent, it is a luxury he can afford.

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