From Edge of Darkness Wiki
Characters ● Mages ● Skye
Heart of a warrior, mind of a huntress.
Presence (Calming) ●●●● |
Striking looks (Alluring) ●● |
- Striking Looks ●● (Alluring)
- Extemporaneous Affinity ●●●●●
- Sanctum ●
- Hallow ●
- Workshop ●
- Woodworking
- Melee
- Resources ●●
- Talon of the Adamantine Arrow
Facts about SkyeRDF feed
Adept | Life + |
Arcana Mastery | Adept of Life +, and Initiate of Prime + |
Archery | 2 + |
Avatar | Anastasia EG + |
Character Name | Skye + |
Character Status | Active + |
Character Type | Mage + |
Consilium Status | 1 + |
Extemporaneous Affinity | 5 + |
Fast Reflexes | 1 + |
Forumid | 334030 + |
Hallow | 1 + |
Has Merit | Striking Looks +, Extemporaneous Affinity +, Sanctum +, Hallow +, Workshop +, Fast Reflexes +, Archery +, High Speech +, Parkour +, Quick Draw +, and Resources + |
Has Rote | Fireproofing +, Nightsight +, and Honing the Form + |
High Speech | 1 + |
Initiate | Prime + |
Last Post | Last Post + |
Life Arcana | Adept + |
Lived In | Sacramento + |
Oneaccount | No + |
Order | Adamantine Arrow + |
Order Status | 1 + |
PC or NPC | PC + |
Parkour | 1 + |
Path | Thyrsus + |
Path Status | 1 + |
Player | LadySin + |
PlayerID | 334020 + |
Position | Talon + |
Posted | 2 February 2025 + |
Presence | 4 + |
Prime Arcana | Initiate + |
Quick Draw | 1 + |
Resources | 2 + |
Sacramento End | 2 February 2025 + |
Sacramento Start | 13 April 2020 + |
Sanctum | 1 + |
Secondary Picture | warning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted. |
Striking Looks | 2 + |
Tenure | 4.8 + |
Threadid | 41956 + |
Venue | Mage + |
Workshop | 1 + |