Character Creation for Vampire

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MainRequiemVampire: The Requiem ● Character Creation for Vampire
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Character Creation Index
Venue-Specific Creation
Character Submission
Changeling Form
Mage Form
Vampire Form
Actors/Actresses In Use
MiniSheet Tutorial
Character Sheet


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"Just think about a cool vampire story. Just not the one where your guy has a trench coat, and wants a katana, that's my story." - Dark Passenger

This game is accepting new character submissions!

This page is an venue specific addendum to the general Character Creation Rules. Please make sure that you have read the general rules thoroughly, as they apply as well.

Please direct all questions about Vampire character creation to the Requiem Storyteller(s), Yumyumcrow.


  • Characters begin with 30XP to spend after applying the Vampire template. You should submit your basic(no Bonus XP) Character, and then post your Bonus XP Log to the Character Sheet that is subsequently created. Please do not include Bonus XP expenditures in your Character Submission.
  • No FOB/new Embraces, unless you make arrangements prior to have a PC mentor who is wholly responsible for teaching and mistakes made. Otherwise, all PCs are expected to know the basics of Kindred society.
  • The Anachronism Flaw is Permanently Banned from Use. Characters are required to understand modern society such as how to handle money, use a phone, take public transportation. An MP3 Player is not a magic box with little minstrals in it.
  • Multiple Vampires - Not allowed at this time.
  • Please read the Vampire FAQ for additional information your character should know.
  • Please do not use rules/material from God Machine Chronicle, Blood and Smoke, etc...


  • Mekhet Hollow[1] Vampires are not allowed.
  • Gangrel Red Surrender[2] is not allowed.
  • Nosferatu Clan Curses must be able to pass as human -- no walking Masquerade Breaches.
  • Ventrue may optionally replace Animalism with Vigor as an in-Clan Discipline. Please notify the Vampire Storytellers at character creation if this option is exercised.



  • Please also note: By Edict of the Prince of Sacramento, members of the Kallisti bloodline are banned from the Domain of Sacramento, on pain of death. That does not mean a player can't play a Kallisti, but doing so means the player accepts the risks inherent in choosing to play a character of that bloodline in this setting.[4]
  • If a Bloodline is taken at Character creation, the Willpower Dot that is used to activate the bloodline must be bought back or WP is at -1 until it is purchased back. See also Blood Potency.


  • Some of the newer (read: power creeped) BLs, such as the Apollinaire and Iltani, bring the standard 4th Discipline in-clan but also allow for custom BL Sorcery. These sorceries (Merges, Vodoun) are removed from play, maintaining the +1 Discipline model of Bloodlines.


  • Clan Specialties: Auspex, Dominate, Majesty, Nightmare, and Protean must be learned in-game from a teacher if the character is not a member of the Clan. They cannot be taken at creation and 'backstoried'.
  • Clan Specialties: Auspex, Dominate, Majesty, Nightmare, and Protean can only be taught by that Clan's respective members. Such Disciplines gained through a Bloodline are not teachable.

Source Books

Most books are accepted for play; however, the following books are not allowed: Ancient Bloodlines, Armory Reloaded, Blood Sorcery, Blood and Smoke, Boston Unveiled, Danse Macabre, Dudes of Legend, Imperial Mysteries, Inferno, Left-Hand Path, Mage Translation Guide, Signs of the Moon, Summoners, Vampire Translation Guide

Ghouls and Mortals

As of March 2016, the Vampire venue is accepting both Ghouls and Mortals as player characters[5]. Ghouls will follow the standard guidelines (above) but must fulfill a prerequisite:

  • Any Ghoul or Mortal character must be 'attached' to a Vampire character. Whether they act as a Retainer or an extension of an Allies Merit, they must have a full Vampire PC who will 'vouch' for them. An agreement must be made prior to character creation with another player. This will allow the Minor Template character to participate in the Vampire game more readily.
  • See Ghouled Retainers for rules on Ghouls as Retainer Merits.


Characters are submitted using the Vampire Submission Form and Mortal and Ghoul Submission Form.

  • Read the form thoroughly, as it contains important information.
  • Please be brief with the history.

Your submission can be found here once the form is submitted.

  • Your character sheet can only be seen by yourself and Vampire Storytellers.
  • Storytellers will post into that thread to work through the approval process.
  • Please be patient. Approval usually takes 2-3 days.


Your character is not approved until a Storyteller says something to that effect. Once that happens, a few more things are necessary before beginning play. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask, either on your character sheets or in Chat. First off, you are required to set up a Wiki Page for your new character and your Mini Character Sheets before you begin playing. You can also set up a Character account (this is not mandatory, but some people prefer to).

  • Please do not continue/complete the following until your character is approved.

Wiki Page

Create your wiki page here.

  • Please make sure to check the list of Avatars before selecting a person to represent your character. Please make sure to read the Living Room on a daily basis for important information - like this one regarding Predator's Taint.
  • This should be done first, and please don't just create a blank page :)


Minisheets are miniature character sheets embedded into posts for quick reference.


Prepare your signature for posts, using the Signature Guidelines.

  • For the sake of ease of play, you can start with Vitae equal to your Humanity minus one - this should be listed in your Signature. The average vitae pool can be found in the sidebar to the right of the forums, or a more in-depth explanation on the Vitae page.

Beginning Play

People get excited about playing, and some tend to over-narrate. please read some of the items in this thread, The Devil is in the Dots, that describes how best to help weave your skills, traits, etc. into our usual style of play here.

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