Expression Skill

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Expression Skill
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Expression reflects your character's training or experience in the art of communication, both to entertain and inform. This covers both the written and spoken words as well as other forms of entertainment.

This is information about the mechanic. When composing a poem or writing a novel, roll Wits or Intelligence (depending on whether the work is poetic or factual) + Expression.

This is information about the mechanic. When reciting to an audience, roll Presence + Expression.

This is information about the mechanic. Playing an instrument involves Intelligence + Expression for a known piece, and Wits + Expression for an improvised one.

This is information about the mechanic. Dance calls for Dexterity + Expression.

General Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: Your character's performance is muddled and confusing. It not only fails to communicate his ideas, but it's unbearable.
Failure: Your character's performance fails to capture the audience's interest.
Success: Your character's performance gets its point across in the manner intended, capturing the audience's interest.
Exceptional Success: The performance enthralls the audience to the extent that members can think of (or notice) nothing else.


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