Celestial Fire

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MageSpells ● Celestial Fire
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Prime ●●●
Instant None
Vulgar Fraying
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.224
Arrow : Bolt of Heaven
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The mage manifests celestial fire.

The mage flings a ball of glowing, fiery energy at a target. This projectile is large enough that targets gain their Defense against it. One point of bashing damage is inflicted per success.

Note that “celestial fire” is not the same thing as mundane fire; vampires are not especially susceptible to it and it does not induce Rötschreck.

This spell affects beings or objects in the Twilight state (although the mage needs Supernal Vision, or some other magical sense that allows him to see Twilight beings to be able to target such creatures, or else he fires blind).

With Prime ●●●●, damage is lethal and the mage can choose to directly attack a target’s Pattern instead of casting it as an aimed spell (the target resists, subtracting Stamina from the caster’s roll). With Prime ●●●●●, one Mana can be spent to make the damage aggravated.

Adamantine Arrow Rote: Bolt of Heaven

A brutal and straightforward assault, this rote is used by Arrow mages to strike down their enemies, corporeal or otherwise, to destroy arms and armor, or to breach defenses. Perhaps one of the most efficient weapons in the Awakened arsenal, this rote sees use by members of all orders.

The Templar Treasure Tradition Rote: The Sword of Archangel Michael[1]

Ancient Lands Pentalogy Rote: Eldritch Invocation [2]

A terrible crawling invocation in a strange language that calls down heavenly flames on the heads of its target, this Silver Ladder rote is depicted in use during the conflict between the Regent in Silver and Soter.

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