From Edge of Darkness Wiki
Theater Society
Effect: No director likes a pale, dead-eyed
Desdemona, particularly if she can’t make matinee
performances. An undead actor going on with the
show even after her Requiem begins isn’t impossible,
but it’s challenging. Thus, many of them turn to other
vampires. Some domains have complete societies of
Kindred theaters performing Kindred-penned plays
that touch on Kindred themes for exclusive Kindred
audiences. There aren’t many, however. More commonly,
performances and troupes are small. Those who
want to perform in mortal plays can find few better
allies than a Kindred theater society. Providing, of
course, that they haven’t found bitter rivals there.
When making rolls with the Expression Skill, characters
who have this Merit may reroll 9s as well as 10s.
| 9-again only applies to Skill checks, not Discipline usage. This also requires a monthly Glimpse or Scene with other members to keep active, as per intended restriction on p.181.