Skald Cant

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Skald Cant
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Allowed Mental
Legacies the Ancient.jpg
Legacies the Ancient p. 86
Preq's Skald Legacy,
Composure ●●, Expression ●●
Level(s) ● (2XP)
Venue Mage
Possessed By
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Your character knows the secret language of the Skalds; he can use it to communicate privately with other Skalds and prove his membership in the Legacy, if necessary. Though an eavesdropper who tries to piece the language together might be able to decipher some of a conversation held in the Skald cant, each word is so laden with meaning that only a prodigious feat by a master linguist could completely translate a phrase or text.

The language also serves as an effective memory aid. By spending a turn to concentrate, the Skald can perfectly remember the events of a single scene or the information (usually a song or epic) that he spends up to a day memorizing. After that, when calm, the character may recall those events perfectly without any dice roll, and the player may ask the Storyteller to fill in details he might have forgotten. This Merit gives no aid during stressful situations, like combat; trying to remember details then requires an Intelligence + Composure roll, just as normal.

Additionally, this language is somewhat pleasing to spirits, whether because of its rhythm or its origins. At the Storyteller’s discretion, using Skald Cant to deal with spirits can offer a +1 dice bonus when applying Social Skills to spirits, including rotes that use those Skills.
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