Swarm Tactics
From Edge of Darkness Wiki
![]() Carthians p. 183 | |
Preq's |
Status ● (Carthians) Brawl or Weaponry ●● |
Level(s) |
● (2XP) ●● (6XP) |
Venue | Vampire |
Possessed By | |
Your character has been trained to fight cooperatively, as a member of a tactical unit instead of just a lone brawler. Originally developed by anarchist demonstrators to overwhelm armed and protected (but outnumbered) police, Swarm Tactics offer Carthians distinct advantages against battle-Disciplined Kindred or other foes.
Dots purchased in this Merit allow access to special combat maneuvers. Each maneuver is a prerequisite for the next. So, your character can’t have “Unexpected Strike” until he has “Feint.” The maneuvers and their effects are detailed below. All can be used with either Brawl or Weaponry.
Feint (•)
You may declare that you’re making a Feint, and then roll a normal Brawl or Weaponry attack against a single opponent. If the roll succeeds, it does no damage, but anyone else who attacks that opponent can use Unexpected Strike if he knows how. The opponent is vulnerable until the end of the turn.
Unexpected Strike (••)
If you attack someone who has successfully been fooled by a Feint, you can take 9 Again with your attack, even if the weapon you’re using typically allows only 10 Again. If you attack someone who has been fooled by two Feints, you can take 8 Again as well.
Character Type | Vampire + |
Merit Dots | 1 +, and 2 + |
Merit Type | Physical + |
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki. | Merit Editor + |
Parent | Carthians +, and Fighting Styles + |
Permission | Banned + |
Prerequisite | Status +, Brawl Skill +, and Weaponry Skill + |
Source | Carthians + |