From Edge of Darkness Wiki
Mysterium Sourcebook p. 66-70 | |
Preq's |
Status ● Sanctum ● |
Level(s) |
● (2XP) ●● (6XP) ●●● (12XP) ●●●● (20XP) ●●●●● (30XP) |
Venue | Mage |
Possessed By | |
Contents |
Each dot taking in this merit can be converted into two dots of the following merits: Alchemical Lab, Library and Scriptorium. You must use these dots to purchase at least two different Merits from the List. You may stack these merits dots with the same dots from standard versions of each Merit, but the derived Merits cannot rise higher than Five dots.
The Materials that compose each Merit must occupy the same basic location. The Library must occupy the same building as the Scriptorium.
For example: if you move component Merits purchased with Athenaeum dots to different locations, you can recover only half of their value as you loose the efficiency of combining resources.
Every Athenaeum needs a home. That’s why players must purchase the Sanctum Merit for their Athenaeum. Remember to divide dots between Size and Security. Chapter Two of Sanctum and Sigil provides more detailed rules and options. The Athenaeum Merit may dictate a minimum physical size, but Merits acquired by other means do not.
- Athenaeum materials and facilities also require space to be properly organized: at least one dot of Sanctum size per two dots of Athenaeum (or four of component merits).
It is possible for members of a close-knit group to share this Merit. Members each contribute one or more dots and are considered to have common access to the Athenaeum.
Character Type | Mage + |
Merit Dots | 1 +, 2 +, 3 +, 4 +, and 5 + |
Merit Type | Sanctuary + |
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki. | Merit Editor + |
Parent | Mysterium Sourcebook +, and Sanctuaries + |
Permission | Allowed + |
Prerequisite | Status +, and Sanctum + |
Source | Mysterium Sourcebook + |