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Allowed Retainer
Equinox Road.jpg
Equinox Road 14
Preq's Wyrd 7
Level(s) ● (2XP)
●● (6XP)
●●● (12XP)
●●●● (20XP)
●●●●● (30XP)
Venue Changeling
Possessed By
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Effect: You have followers. And not necessarily because you want them, either. No, these humans have caught glimpses of your mien past the Mask, and they’ve come to… well, worship you. They’re not ensorcelled (unless you choose them to be), but once in a while they catch a hazy aura of your truly awe-inspiring or monstrous mien, and as a result they think you’re quite special indeed. It’s probably because they’re damaged; these aren’t healthy people. But they’ll follow you into the gates of Hell. They’ll do pretty much whatever you want — and that means throwing themselves in front of a bus or strangling their own mother at your behest.

This Merit functions like the Retainer Merit (World of Darkness Sourcebook p.116). Each acquisition of this Merit equals one zealous Devotee (and several acquisitions pretty much means you have a cult that puts you at its holy center). Your character doesn’t necessarily need to do anything to pick up a Devotee; they simply glom onto her because somehow they saw her mien or sensed her power. Dots spent in this Merit indicate the training, capability or flexibility of the zealot. (Again, see the Retainer Merit for comparable aptitudes.)

Drawback: In addition to the drawback of the Retainer Merit, it’s important to note yet again that Devotees are damaged. Each suffers from at least one severe derangement. In addition, while a Devotee zealously throws himself into completing the changeling’s commands, sometimes they have… creative ways of interpreting instructions. A Lost asks one of his zealots, “While I’m busy across town going through Bethany’s closets, I need you to occupy her for the next few hours so she doesn’t come home.” The cultist does as demanded, but interprets “occupy her” as meaning “put her in the hospital.” Technically, it worked.

Facts about DevoteeRDF feed
Character TypeChangeling  +
Merit Dots1  +, 2  +, 3  +, 4  +, and 5  +
Merit TypeRetainer  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentEquinox Road  +, and Retainer  +
PermissionAllowed  +
PrerequisiteWyrd  +
SourceEquinox Road  +
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