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Banned Retainer
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook p. 82
Level(s) ●●● (12XP)
●●●● (20XP)
Venue Mage
Possessed By
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Your character has a magical bond with an immaterial and invisible spirit from the Shadow Realm that aids him and which normally dwells in Twilight These familiars can temporarily manifest like ghosts[1], but their ephemeral bodies are otherwise invisible and intangible to the physical world. A familiar must manifest or use Numina to affect anything in the physical world — except for its bonded purified, whom it can touch at will, just as the purified can always see the familiar. Although familiars normally exist in the Twilight Realm, they can accompany their masters into the Shadow Realm, or travel there themselves if their Numina allow it.


A familiar is considered to be the lowest rank of spirit (a “squire” or “lesser gaffling”, with a limit of 5 on all traits, and a maximum Essence of 10. The Storyteller designs the spirit’s traits. Each familiar begins play with at least one dot in each Attribute, with extra dots as listed below.

For rules concerning spirits traits, including additional Spirit Numen[2][3][4][5].

All Traits require Storyteller approval.

Improving Familiars

Familiars may be improved with Experience points (subject to the normal limitations and trait caps of rank 1 spirits, unless otherwise noted).

Trait XP Cost (Fetch) XP Cost (Embodied)
Attribute x8 x5 (capped at 5)
Skill - x3(capped at 5)
Skill specialty - 3
Numen 25 (up to 4) 25 (up to 5)

Facts about FamiliarRDF feed
Character TypeMage  +
Merit Dots3  +, and 4  +
Merit TypeRetainer  +
Page has default formMerit Editor  +
ParentMage The Awakening Sourcebook  +, and Retainer  +
PermissionBanned  +
SourceMage The Awakening Sourcebook  +
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