From Edge of Darkness Wiki
![]() Mage The Awakening Sourcebook p. 89 | |
Level(s) | ●●● (12XP) |
Venue | Mage |
Possessed By | |
Your mage physically controls another’s Soul Stone, making that willworker his thrall. By custom, your character can demand up to three favors before he must return the stone. These favors can be as weak or as daunting as he desires, although if they are particularly difficult or dangerous the thrall can petition the Consilium for redress.
Possession of a soul stone gives your mage an Intimate Sympathetic connection to its owner and allows him to tap the owner’s Mana without casting a Prime spell. Roll Gnosis + Presence – the soul stone creator’s Resolve and take one Mana per success. Such theft can be done only once per day, and is considered one favor toward the three allowed.
The Storyteller works with the player to determine who the thrall is. The more powerful or politically connected the thrall, the more potent the favors he can provide, but the more dangerous it is to anger him. One day he will be free of his obligation, and although by custom he cannot seek direct revenge or demand a duel, he almost surely manipulates events to enact his vengeance for him. Conversely, if your character’s favors benefit the thrall and don’t violate his dignity, he might gain a grudging respect.
After the three favors are completed, your character is expected to return the soul stone to the rightful owner, freeing the thrall. If he does not free his thrall after the three favors are completed, he can be punished freely by any other mage, even a mage not of his order or the Consilium.
Some mages set daunting favors, ensuring that their thralls will almost certainly never complete the requirements for freedom. Doing so is considered bad form. The thrall can take his case to the Consilium, but most officers hesitate to intervene unless the thrall’s master endangers their interests or challenges their authority through his flaunting of custom. More often, mistreated thralls must rely on their own cunning to turn the master-thrall relationship.
Character Type | Mage + |
Merit Dots | 3 + |
Merit Type | Social + |
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki. | Merit Editor + |
Parent | Mage The Awakening Sourcebook +, and Retainer + |
Permission | Allowed + |
Source | Mage The Awakening Sourcebook + |