Sleepwalker Retainer

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Sleepwalker Retainer
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Banned Social
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook p. 88
Preq's None
Level(s) ● (2XP)
●● (6XP)
●●● (12XP)
●●●● (20XP)
●●●●● (30XP)
●●●●●● (42XP)
Venue Mage
Possessed By
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Your character has a single Sleepwalker who has been magically initiated into the secrets of the order. He is aware of the existence of magic, and your character has recruited him as an assistant. Your character can openly practice magic in his presence without fear of betraying the Mysteries.

This Merits works the same as the Retainer Merit[1], except that the mage’s retainer is a Sleepwalker.

This is a Mage House Rule This Merit is not in use; it is superseded by the Retainer Merit and its House Rule regarding Minor Templates.

Facts about Sleepwalker RetainerRDF feed
Character TypeMage  +
Merit Dots1  +, 2  +, 3  +, 4  +, 5  +, and 6  +
Merit TypeSocial  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentMage The Awakening Sourcebook  +, and Retainer  +
PermissionBanned  +
PrerequisiteNone  +
SourceMage The Awakening Sourcebook  +
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