Survival Skill

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Survival Skill
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Experience or training in "living off the land." Knowing where to find food and shelter, identify tracks, and how to endure harsh environmental conditions. The higher the skill the fewer resources needed to prevail in the wilderness.

Possessed by: Explorers, hunters, soldiers, and survivalists. Specialties: Foraging, Navigation, Meteorology, and Shelter.

Dramatic Failure: Your character has made a false set of assumptions about his environment that puts him in danger. EG The berries he picks are poisonous.

Failure: Your character fails to find the proper resources to fulfill his needs. EG All the available firewood is wet.

Success: Your character finds enough resources to fulfill his needs.

Exceptional Success: Your character manages to find enough resources to fulfill his needs for as long as he wishes to stay in the area. EG S/he happens on a hunter's cabin with a supply of canned goods.


Any larger wind-powered craft that rely on the pilot’s understanding of waves, wind, and ropes make rolls with this skill instead of the Drive Skill.


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