Trained Memory

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Trained Memory
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Allowed Mental
Guardians of the Veil Sourcebook.jpg
Guardians of the Veil Sourcebook p. 46
Preq's Composure ●●
Level(s) ● (2XP)
Venue All
Possessed By
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Your character can remember the events of a single scene or a day’s worth of study perfectly as long as she has a turn to concentrate. During this turn (in which she cannot engage in combat or other stressful situations), the character uses a special technique to commit what she has learned to memory. (You should write a brief note about this on the character sheet.) After that, during peaceful times, you no longer need to make dice rolls to remember details about that event or piece of knowledge, and you can ask the Storyteller to fill in details that you might have forgotten.


Just as for any other character, you must make an Intelligence + Composure roll for the character to remember any additional details about a subject during stressful situations (such as combat). You gain no bonus to this roll; your enhanced memory is a matter of training and organized thinking, not off-the-cuff recall.

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