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This is a placeholder. Source (MTAw: Guardians of the Veil)
Remember, Masques do Not change the way you look physically. The process of donning a masque is simply reaching back into your past-lives on the wheel, and bringing a specific personality to the fore.
| Errata: The Author of Guardians of the Veil has made it known that several of the Masques' values are incorrect.
These go into affect immediately:
- Holy Concubine: +2 Persuasion -2 Empathy
- Untended Forge +2 Persuasion -1 Resolve
- Sighing Tower +2 Persuasion -1 Resolve
- Gray Cloud +2 Persuasion -2 Socialize
- Regent +2 Politics -2 Persuasion
- Lord Incarnadine +2 Persuasion -2 Socialize