Social Chameleon

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Social Chameleon
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Allowed Social
Daeva Kiss of the Succubus.jpg
Daeva Kiss of the Succubus p. 115-116
Preq's No Fame ●●+
Level(s) ● (2XP)
●● (6XP)
●●● (12XP)
Venue All
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Effect: Your character is one of those people who just belongs. He can walk into a party not caring that he doesn’t know the guests and doesn’t know the host. All he truly needs is awareness of exactly the kind of people he’s surrounded by: how they dress, how they act, and most especially what they want. This Merit is based on long periods of interaction with and observation of the herd. In fact, understanding how to belong is based on knowing the differences that make mortals many herds instead of just one. He knows how to stand out, and he knows how to blend in.

Your character gains a bonus, equal to his rating in this Merit, for Socialize rolls in dealing with the members of a group who adhere to a specific sort of identity: hanging out at the cop bar, among the society mavens at the most exclusive club in town, or just chilling with the local underworld scum at an illegal gambling den. Additionally, you receive this same modifier for any Persuasion or Subterfuge rolls made to convince the members of that group that you’re one of them.

At the Storyteller’s option, not having any dots in a Skill appropriate to the group (Computer when trying to blend in with programmers, or Streetwise among criminals) inflicts a –3 dice penalty to Socialize rolls associated with this Merit.

This Merit can also be used as social camouflage, blending into groups of others to remain unseen by those searching for the character. In such an instance, the character with this Merit may make a Manipulation + Socialize roll, opposed by the Wits + Composure or other appropriate roll used to look for him.
Facts about Social ChameleonRDF feed
Character TypeAll  +
Merit Dots1  +, 2  +, and 3  +
Merit TypeSocial  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentDaeva Kiss of the Succubus  +
PermissionAllowed  +
PoolManipulation  +, and Socialize Skill  +
SourceDaeva Kiss of the Succubus  +
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