Otherworldly Eyes

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Otherworldly Eyes
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Banned Power
Tome of the Watchtowers.jpg
Tome of the Watchtowers p.154
Preq's Spirit
Level(s) ●● (6XP)
Venue Mage
Possessed By
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The mage has trouble staying focused on this side of the Gauntlet. His attention wanders, and he seems perpetually distracted — because he is. Shamans with this Merit have an easier time focusing on events on the other side of the Gauntlet, but at the cost of attending to the material world around them.

A mage with this Merit gains two extra dice for all rolls to sense events in the Realm Invisible, but at the cost of two dice from all perception dice pools pertaining to anything in the material realm. This otherworldly awareness can be used in any scene, but once invoked, this Merit cannot be dismissed for the rest of the scene.

This is a common Merit (some might say affliction) for those mages of the Dreamspeakers Legacy.

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