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Changelingwarning.png"Changeling" is not in the list of possible values (Item, Mental, Power, Physical, Retainer, Sanctuary, Setup, Social, Sway, Unknown) for this property.
Goblin Markets.jpg
Goblin Markets 23
Level(s) ● (2XP)
●● (6XP)
●●● (12XP)
●●●● (20XP)
●●●●● (30XP)
Venue Changeling
Possessed By
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This is a Changeling House Rule This can only be purchased In-Character while attending a Goblin Market. This is not available at character creation and cannot be purchased through moods alone.

This is a Changeling House Rule If it is purchased, it is a Clarity 4 Breaking Point. The slave in question is not your friend, loyal pet, or someone with whom you share your dirty little secrets. He/she/it is an abused hobgoblin under your direct control that is bound to your soul; Much like your own Durance to the Gentry.

This is a Changeling House Rule There is a social stigma with owning a slave. To your peers, you are not far above the very Beings you are trying to hide from and you could end up being outcast if you parade about your slave.

This is a Changeling House Rule If you purchase an untrained slave with the intention of training it yourself, this is an immediate Clarity 2 Breaking Point the moment the training begins. 'Training' equals 'breaking' the hobgoblin's will and spirit until it is following its master's orders without question. This is through despicable and violent acts.

This is a Changeling House Rule As a last point, the ST has final say on how this Merit is bought. It is just too vile otherwise.

Your character has purchased a slave at Market. The creature is bound to serve you in almost any way imaginable, chained to your will. This chain always manifests in some way in the creature’s appearance: iron collars around the neck and silver cords about the wrist are typical markers, but brands, tattoos and even fur patterns have been known to manifest. So long as the slave’s fetters remain, it must make a successful Resolve + Composure roll to act against its master. The roll is penalized by -3 dice if the slave attempts to refuse, ignore or disobey a direct order, and -5 if it tries to physically harm the character. Even the most simple-minded slaves have feelings, however, and the Storyteller can reduce (or even waive) these penalties in the face of long-term abuse. The complexity and intelligence of a slave varies based on the value of the Merit.


Besides the dangers inherent in housing abused hobgoblins, owning slaves carries a social stigma among changeling society (composed, as it is, primarily of former slaves). Most changeling slave-owners take care to be discreet in their proclivities, lest they garner a reputation in their Freehold for being no better than the Others.


Slaves at the Goblin Market come in two varieties: trained and untrained. The latter are most common and tend to come cheap, and have a value[1] equal to half the Merits rating. The character purchasing such a slave must also pay the usual experience cost of the Merit in order to “break in” the new slave. Trained slaves serve obediently from the moment of purchase (requiring no expenditure of experience), but cost an exorbitant amount. These have a value equal to the Merit’s rating.
Facts about SlaveRDF feed
Character TypeChangeling  +
Merit Dots1  +, 2  +, 3  +, 4  +, and 5  +
Merit Typewarning.png"Changeling" is not in the list of possible values (Item, Mental, Power, Physical, Retainer, Sanctuary, Setup, Social, Sway, Unknown) for this property.
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentGoblin Markets  +
PoolResolve  +
SourceGoblin Markets  +
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