Virtues Twin

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Virtues Twin
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Allowed Power
The Invictus.jpg
The Invictus p. 188
Preq's House Membership •••
Level(s) ●●● (12XP)
Venue Vampire
Possessed By
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Effect: All members of a House must purchase this Merit for it to be effective.

For purposes of determining torpor duration, all vampires of the House are considered to share the Humanity rating of the Kindred with the highest Humanity. If, for example, the vampires of the Tremalions have Humanity ratings of 4, 5 and 7, all of them are considered to have Humanity 7 for the purposes of determining the length of a voluntary or involuntary torpor.

If the highest Humanity of the participants drops while one member is torpid, the length of that torpor must be recalculated using the new highest Humanity in the House. Determine the torpid vampire’s new torpor duration and subtract the time already spent in torpor; that is

the Kindred’s rough remaining time to spend in torpor.
Facts about Virtues TwinRDF feed
Character TypeVampire  +
Merit Dots3  +
Merit TypePower  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentThe Invictus  +
PermissionAllowed  +
PrerequisiteHouse Membership  +
SourceThe Invictus  +
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