House Membership

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House Membership
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Allowed Social
The Invictus.jpg
The Invictus p. 187
Level(s) ● (2XP)
●●● (12XP)
Venue Vampire
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Effect: This Merit measures your character’s involvement in a Cyclical Dynasty (House). This Merit reflects his commitment to, and influence with, the other members of the House and is a prerequisite for all other Dynastic Merits. Each level of this Merit represents a different relationship to the character’s House.

Trusted (•): Your character, whether Kindred or ghoul, is trusted by the members of the dynasty, possibly being groomed for eventual participation. For all purposes of House law, your character is a participant in the House. Your character can purchase some other Dynastic Merits and enjoy minor benefits of membership, but he does not have access to the House’s full assets and is not yet honored or protected by a successor. This level of the Merit confers a +1 bonus to Social dice pools involving members of the same House, similar to Status.

Successor (•••): As above, except your character is a full (though perhaps not equal) participant in the dynasty. This level of the Merit confers a +3 bonus to Social dice pools involving members of the same House, similar to Status.

Facts about House MembershipRDF feed
Character TypeGhoul  +, and Vampire  +
Merit Dots1  +, and 3  +
Merit TypeSocial  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentThe Invictus  +, and Cyclical Dynasty  +
PermissionAllowed  +
SourceThe Invictus  +
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