Study Group

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Study Group
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House Ruled Mental
Carthians p. 181
Preq's Status (Carthians) ●
Academics Skill ●●
Level(s) ● (2XP)
Venue Vampire
Possessed By
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Often taking the form of a book club based around scientific or cultural texts, the Study Group pursues knowledge aimlessly, based more on what’s interesting than what’s useful at the minute. When making rolls with the Academics Skill, characters with this Merit may reroll 9s as well as 10s.

This is a Vampire House Rule 9-again only applies to Skill checks, not Discipline usage. This also requires a monthly Glimpse or Scene with other members to keep active, as per intended restriction on p.181.
Facts about Study GroupRDF feed
Character TypeVampire  +
Merit Dots1  +
Merit TypeMental  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentCarthians  +
PermissionAllowed  +, and House Ruled  +
PrerequisiteStatus  +, and Academics Skill  +
SourceCarthians  +
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