Stranger No More

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Stranger No More
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Grimoire of Grimoires p. 104
Level(s) ●●●●● (30XP)
Venue Mage
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No society or civilization is too strange for you; within a matter of minutes you can adjust to your surroundings so that you cannot be distinguished from a “native.” The language comes fluently to you for as long as you remain within the society, though your facility with the language is only average; in an environment where the majority of people are illiterate, this Merit provides no literacy. This Merit also grants no retention of language; the ability to understand a language fades as soon as you leave na área where that language is spoken by the majority of people. The Merit also confers some instinctive mimicry of clothing, mannerisms and demeanor of those around you; you may not understand the reasoning behind a particular local gesture or be able to explain it to a friend, but you use it reflexively when it would be expected. This provides distinct advantages when trying to hide from someone by blending in with the local culture or when visiting a place where the “natives” are hostile to outsiders.
Facts about Stranger No MoreRDF feed
Character TypeMage  +
Merit Dots5  +
Merit TypeSocial  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentGrimoire of Grimoires  +
PermissionAllowed  +
SourceGrimoire of Grimoires  +
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