Pack Tactics

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Pack Tactics
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The Rage Forsaken Players Guide.jpg
The Rage Forsaken Players Guide p. 156
Preq's Pack
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The packmates have trained together, learning how best to use their combined skills to strike at powerful opponents or groups that threaten to overwhelm them, to dominate others before a fight begins or to get their way without ever being seen. This training has paid off, and the packmates have a number of options that are unavailable to other groups when they work together.

The pack can pick one pack tactic for each point put into this Merit. This Merit is shared by all members of the pack; all members of the pack can use the tactics whether they put points into this Merit or not. The pack cannot select pack tactics that require more werewolves than are part of the pack. The prerequisites of each tactic must be met by one member of the pack who possesses this Merit.
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