Kindred Medium

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Kindred Medium
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Banned Power
City of the Damned New Orleans.jpg
City of the Damned New Orleans p.93
Preq's Wits ●●
Level(s) ●● (6XP)
●●●● (20XP)
Venue Vampire
Possessed By
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A vampire with this Merit sees dead people, all the time. He can detect when wraiths are nearby and can even converse with them— but only some of them. The most curious thing about this Merit is that the sensitivity it involves seems focused on wraiths who have some connection to the Kindred—either those who were killed by vampires, or those who lost loved ones to vampires, or even those who once were vampires. A Kindred Medium can freely see and converse with such spirits but can only sense the general presence of all others. A Kindred Medium is especially sensitive to the passage of his favored spirits and to the impressions they leave in either places or on objects, and may detect the age and relative intensity of those impressions with a successful Wits + Occult + Auspex roll (variable difficulty), even without a wraith’s direct presence.

The cost of this Merit is variable, depending on when the player purchases it. If he purchases it right after his character becomes a vampire, the cost is halved. If purchased later on in the game

with experience, the cost is double that number.
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