Gentrified Bearing

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Gentrified Bearing
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Allowed Social
Rites of Spring.jpg
Rites of Spring p. 92
Preq's Wyrd ●●●
Level(s) ●●●● (20XP)
Venue Changeling
Possessed By
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Your character’s bearing and aura carry some of the stamp of the True Fae. As a result, hobgoblins and the True Fae are capable of mistaking your character for one of the Gentry.

Hobgoblins that interact with your character for a scene or more may make a Wits + Composure roll (with a penalty equal to the Changeling’s Wyrd) to realize that your character is not Gentry. Sapient hobgoblins may avoid your character or act significantly deferential, if not actually obedient. However, they are likely to become quite vindictive if they think they’ve been tricked.

The True Fae have a chance to be fooled only if they see your character at a distance, or only find evidence of her previous presence in a location. Closer contact, such as touching her, hearing your character speak, or being able to smell her scent will dispel the illusion.

Still, it may buy a few precious moments of safety and make the Other hesitate!

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Facts about Gentrified BearingRDF feed
Character TypeChangeling  +
Merit Dots4  +
Merit TypeSocial  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentRites of Spring  +
PermissionAllowed  +
PrerequisiteWyrd  +
SourceRites of Spring  +
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