Dragons Tongue

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Dragons Tongue
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Banned Social
Inferno p. 126
Level(s) ● (2XP)
●● (6XP)
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Demons have their own tongue, known colloquially as the Dragon’s Tongue. What are the origins of this strange language? Why is it for some a series of hisses and clicks, while for others it is a mad susurration of sibilant noises? Frankly, few know; some suggest it is a remnant language cobbled together from the Babel-speak of angels, of God, and of Adam and Eve. Others say it’s more a conceptual metalanguage, a tongue that is as much meaning as it is sound. All demons know it, but the Possessed do not automatically have access to it: it seems that, for some, once the demon has taken possession it cannot always parse its understanding of the Dragon’s Tongue through the host’s plainly human mind. However, those Possessed who purchase this Merit at 1 dot find that their minds do understand it, and can move their mouths to speak it. Those Possessed who purchase this at 2 dots find that they can communicate with all demons (within and without) all the more completely: they gain +1 to Social rolls with demons outside their bodies, and they gain +1 to any Contest of Wills rolls made against the demon within their bodies.
Facts about Dragons TongueRDF feed
Character TypePossessed  +
Merit Dots1  +, and 2  +
Merit TypeSocial  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentInferno  +
PermissionBanned  +
SourceInferno  +
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