Crafters Sense

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Crafters Sense
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Allowed Mental
Free Council Sourcebook.jpg
Free Council Sourcebook p. 131
Preq's Crafts ●●● and a Specialty
Level(s) ●●● (12XP)
Venue All
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Your character has an intuitive sense of her craft, born of experience. Good decision-making is habitual for her when it comes to her work. This Merit grants all the benefits of the Common Sense Merit but only regarding actions dealing with the character’s Craft Specialty. The dice pool for the reflexive action to check the character’s “common sense” is Wits + Crafts (instead of Composure). At the Storyteller’s discretion, this “gut check” roll can be used to gauge the target number of successes on an extended action using the subject Specialty, in addition to all the normal uses of the Common Sense Merit. If a character has both this Merit and the Common Sense Merit, each may be used once per chapter.

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