Carthian Pull
From Edge of Darkness Wiki
Carthians 181 | |
Preq's | Dots cannot exceed Status (Carthian) |
Level(s) |
● (2XP) ●● (6XP) ●●● (12XP) ●●●● (20XP) ●●●●● (30XP) |
Venue | Vampire |
Possessed By | |
Carthian Pull allows a character to use a network of associates to accomplish tasks that are beyond his normal means. Because he has sowed some effort by working for the Movement, he gets to reap.
Pull is not quite the same as Status. Status is an index of respect and esteem. Carthian Pull measures how much a character has gotten done, how much she’s perceived as doing for the covenant and how much the covenant gestalt feels she deserves. Pull goes hand in hand with Covenant Status, inasmuch that someone who is useful but despised is going to have as hard a time getting help as someone who is esteemed but hapless.
Once per month, a character with Carthian Pull can apply it to one of the following Merits: Contacts, Haven, Herd or Resources. This represents a fellow Carthian offering a favor or someone otherwise connected somehow to the Movement offering temporary aid to the character.
The effects of Carthian Pull do not last more than one night. Carthian Pull can be used to augment a Merit the character already possesses (for example, someone with Contacts •• and Carthian Pull • can, once per month, act as if he had Contacts •••), though Merits increased in this fashion can’t go above 5.
The player may also choose to parcel out the benefits. A character with Carthian Pull ••• could, say, use it to raise his Resources by two one night and then, a few weeks later, improve his Haven by one for a night. Whenever Carthian Pull is used, its effective level drops by the amount used for one month.
Character Type | Vampire + |
Merit Dots | 1 +, 2 +, 3 +, 4 +, and 5 + |
Merit Type | Social + |
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki. | Merit Editor + |
Parent | Carthians + |
Permission | Allowed +, and House Ruled + |
Prerequisite | Status + |
Source | Carthians + |