Feral Mien

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Feral Mien
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Banned Social
Tome of the Watchtowers.jpg
Tome of the Watchtowers p. 154
Preq's Thyrsus
Level(s) ●●● (12XP)
Venue Mage
Possessed By
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There’s something bestial and untamed about the mage, as though she’s been living with a pack of wolves or swimming with sharks. She has a pronounced animalist tendency in the way she moves, or in certain mannerisms she possesses. Her voice may have a lot of growl or purr in it, or the way she moves might be lithe like a cat or subtly predatory on an unconscious level. Whatever the specifics, the player gains three additional dice on all Intimidation Skill and Seduction rolls.

Many mages with this Merit also have the Friend of Beasts Merit.
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