Source Sympathy
From Edge of Darkness Wiki
Source Sympathy
Ghouls p. 73 | |
Preq's |
Ghoul Empathy ●●● |
Level(s) | ●●● (12XP) |
Venue | |
Possessed By | |
A good servant responds unerringly to her master’s emotional state. With this Merit, a ghoul enjoys an emotional connection with their regnant similar to the blood sympathy felt by vampires[1]. Some ghouls develop this ability over decades of service, while a few rare ones seem to do so almost immediately.
Ghoul characters with this Merit sometimes experience vague moments of recognition of intense emotions just as their regnants are feeling them (even if the two of them are in separate rooms or divided by trackless miles). If a long-dormant Kindred is just arising from a period of torpor, his surviving legacy ghouls might start to key in on his hunger and confusion and be drawn to where their once-master has reemerged. Just as with the blood sympathy of Kindred, the Storyteller may ask the player of the ghoul to roll the character’s Wits + Occult. The number of successes reflects the amount of useful information the character learns.
Facts about Source SympathyRDF feed
Merit Dots | 3 + |
Merit Type | Power + |
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki. | Merit Editor + |
Parent | Ghouls + |
Pool | Wits +, and Occult Skill + |
Source | Ghouls + |