Sworn Officer

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Sworn Officer
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Tales from the 13th Precinct.jpg
Tales from the 13th Precinct 81
Preq's Extensive, see detail
Level(s) ● (2XP)
●● (6XP)
●●● (12XP)
●●●● (20XP)
Possessed By
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Prerequisite: The character must meet the basic requirements to be an officer in the department she selects[1].

Effects: You character is a sworn law enforcement officer, with all the rights and duties thereof. She is empowered within her jurisdiction to make arrests, use department equipment and resources, view confidential information, request assistance from other agencies and use force during the course of her duties. She may legally carry a concealed deadly weapon anywhere in the United States not prohibited by federal law, even when off duty. When in another agency’s jurisdiction, she also can expect professional courtesy (see p. 60), subject to local customs and policies.

This Merit differs from Status in that Status represents a character’s standing within an organization, while Sworn officer indicates that the character actually is a duly empowered law enforcement officer. The civilian director of the Sacramento Forensic Science Center may be an SPD employee with Status (SPD) ••••, but he’s still a civilian, not a sworn officer.

The number of dots purchased in this Merit determines the extent of the jurisdiction of the agency for which your character works. One dot indicates a small to mid-sized town or a rural county. Two dots indicate a major city (such as Sacramento) or a densely populated county. Three dots indicate a statewide agency. Four dots indicate a federal agency with national jurisdiction.


This Merit is limited to two dots for Edge of Darkness for the Sacramento Police Department. No state or national scope is allowed.
Facts about Sworn OfficerRDF feed
Merit Dots1  +, 2  +, 3  +, and 4  +
Merit TypeSocial  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentTales from the 13th Precinct  +
SourceTales from the 13th Precinct  +
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