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Allowed Power
Werewolf The Forsaken Sourcebook.jpg
Werewolf The Forsaken Sourcebook p. 79-80
Level(s) ●●●● (20XP)
Venue Mortal
Possessed By
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Your character has blood relations with a lineage of werewolves, and the blood of the werewolf runs particularly strong in her. Strange things have probably occurred around her all her life. Spirits and Uratha might even keep tabs on her, awaiting a First Change that might never even occur.

Your character might be fully aware of her heritage or completely ignorant of it. In the first case, she has been exposed to the existence of werewolves through stories, half-glimpsed sights or full disclosure by her kin. In the second case, she probably lives as an ordinary person, but still suffers strange encounters that tell her that she doesn’t quite fit among the masses.

In either case, your character automatically has the Unseen Sense Merit (World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 109) by virtue of her strong werewolf blood. That free Merit must be focused on werewolf and spirit activity. Furthermore, she’s not as subject to Lunacy as ordinary people are. A Wolf-Blooded character’s effective Willpower is treated as two higher than normal for purposes of resisting Lunacy.

Your character has a faint rapport with wolves, and is able to read lupine body language and growls far better than other people can. This is not an ability to communicate with wolves — a flair for relating to wolves is simply in her blood. To some extent, this rapport extends to dogs as well, though dogs’ blood is generally very far removed from the ancestral wolf nature to which she is connected. Your character gets a free “Wolf” Specialty if she possesses the Animal Ken Skill.

This Merit can also apply to a werewolf character who has yet to undergo the First Change. If your character later undergoes the First Change, the Wolf-Blooded Merit is lost. In addition, if your character becomes supernatural in some other fashion, such as becoming a ghoul, undergoing the Embrace or Awakening, the Merit is lost; the tenuous connection of werewolf blood is easily disrupted. The Wolf-Blooded Merit is available only at character creation. Your character can’t suddenly prove in the midst of play to have a strong strain of werewolf blood all along. Drawback: Werewolf blood is not a blessing. Your character is exposed to creatures and phenomena that she can’t comprehend. She is also marked as the weak link in related werewolves’ lives. Enemies of those Uratha might target your character to send them a message. When horrifying or truly bizarre events occur, any rolls made to resist incurring a derangement suffer a –1 penalty. This penalty doesn’t apply to degeneration rolls when sins are committed, but to rolls such as Resolve + Composure to remain sane before a gruesome spectacle. Relatively frequent exposure to such scenes eventually wears down

one’s ability to remain on an even keel.
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