Predators Gaze

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Predators Gaze
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The Rage Forsaken Players Guide.jpg
The Rage Forsaken Players Guide p. 105
Preq's Presence ●●
Intimidation ●●
Level(s) ●● (6XP)
Venue Werewolf
Possessed By
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Your character has a tendency to look at people as if they were prey animals. Her body language is domineering, and in conversation, her eyes focus on the throat or another weak spot. People want to get out of her presence, and while that can be annoying, it can also be very useful for getting things done quickly.


Your character gets a +1 bonus to all Presence or Manipulation rolls when convincing people to leave her alone or get things done quickly. A shopkeeper will serve her first, just to get her out of the store, and a street gang will suddenly decide that mugging her might not be the best plan they ever had.


Looking on people as prey doesn’t help with making friends and influencing people. People look askance at anyone who hangs around with you voluntarily, and you’ll likely be the first name in people’s heads whenever they hear of a violent crime in the area. After all, you sure look and act the type.
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