Old Blood

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Old Blood
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Allowed Power
War Against the Pure.jpg
War Against the Pure p. 184
Level(s) ● (2XP)
Venue Skinchanger
Possessed By
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Something about your character gives off a wild resonance, as if his blood were old and his roots were deep. This aura grants him a kind of de facto clout over other shapechangers both of his kind and of other races.

Each dot possessed adds a +1 modifier to your character’s Persuasion Skill or Intimidation Skill rolls when dealing with any other shapeshifter creature. The aura he gives off is palpable, even if others don’t consciously recognize it.

Drawback: Each dot possessed also confers a –1 die penalty to any Socialize roll when dealing with other shapechangers. Socializing requires a kind of comfort level, and other beast-men find such intimate social situations uneasy when your character is included. His old blood announces that he’s a top predator, not an amiable chap.
Facts about Old BloodRDF feed
Character TypeSkinchanger  +
Merit Dots1  +
Merit TypePower  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentWar Against the Pure  +
PermissionAllowed  +
SourceWar Against the Pure  +
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