Mechanical Memento

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Mechanical Memento
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Book of the Dead p. 157
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Ripped directly from the frame of a ghost-machine, a mechanical memento is a power source extraordinaire. Anything a character can jury-rig the memento up to can be completely powered by the memento alone, no matter what sort of fuel it originally required. To reiterate that point: only the mechanical memento is required to power any machine to which it is attached. Energy provided by the memento is unlimited, meaning, theoretically, as long as the machine it is hooked up to continues to function, the memento will continue to provide energy. The only limitations on what can be powered by a mechanical memento are those decided upon by the Storyteller.
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Character TypeGeist  +
Merit Dots3  +
Merit TypeItem  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentBook of the Dead  +
PermissionAllowed  +
SourceBook of the Dead  +
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