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Seers of the Throne Sourcebook p.52
Level(s) ●● (6XP)
●●●● (20XP)
Venue Mage
Possessed By
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Many Seers of the Throne possess this Merit. It doesn’t represent flexible resources but the ability to live a privileged lifestyle without spending money. Seers acquire this through blackmail, favor trading and investments in businesses and other organizations that cater to the elite.

Effect: Your character lives like a millionaire or better, regardless of her actual Resources. She wears fine clothes, drives expensive cars and can always get a spot at exclusive restaurants and resorts. She doesn’t pay for any of it through cash transactions. Instead, her social ties and backers provide these creature comforts.


Your character’s luxuries ultimately belong to somebody else. They are for her personal use. She can have guests, of course, but can’t support them for an extended period of time. If she tries to resell or earn money using this Merit she finds that she either can’t move her borrowed assets, or is punished with the loss of this Merit. This Merit cannot be used to acquire weaponry or illegal items.

Facts about LuxuryRDF feed
Character TypeMage  +
Merit Dots2  +, and 4  +
Merit TypeSocial  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentSeers of the Throne Sourcebook  +, and Resources  +
PermissionBanned  +
SourceSeers of the Throne Sourcebook  +
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