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Free Council Sourcebook p. 131
Preq's Wits ●●
●● in the appropriate Skill
Level(s) ●● (6XP)
●●●● (20XP)
Venue All
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Your character may not be much of a writer or public speaker, but get him talking about his work and he becomes downright erudite. Your character can use the dots in one of his Mental Skills, up to a maximum of the dots in this Merit, in place of Expression Skill to lecture, write papers or otherwise inform an audience. Your character’s performance may be dry or routine, but it will at least be clear and absorbing.

You must specify the Mental Skill to which this Merit applies when you purchase it. You can purchase this Merit multiple times, selecting a different Mental Skill each time.
Facts about InformativeRDF feed
Character TypeAll  +
Merit Dots2  +, and 4  +
Merit TypeSocial  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentFree Council Sourcebook  +
PermissionAllowed  +
PrerequisiteWits  +
SourceFree Council Sourcebook  +
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