Hound Tribunal

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Hound (though many prefer to put “The Honorable” before their names as a title of courtesy)
Lords of Summer.jpg

Lords of Summer pps. 63-65
Wyrd ●●
Court Summer
Preqs Mantle (Summer) ●●
Subterfuge ●●
Stealth ●●
One martial Skill (Brawl Firearms, Weaponry at ●●●
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Write a name on this slip of paper, my liege. Then worry no more. This, I swear to you.

The Hound Tribunal haunts the freehold in the name of the Court of Wrath and the Summer King. Those that stand in the way of the Court’s interests become targets. Those that dare to oppose the King or Queen — or worse, dare to bring harm to the monarch — are found to be enemies of the freehold, as judged by the members of this secret “noble” council. What happens to those branded as traitors, obstructionists, enemies? It depends on the thirst for blood possessed by the local Hounds.

The curious thing — and to many, the most frightening thing — about the Hound Tribunal is that they only act against the Court’s enemies during those days ascribed to be the literal “dog days” of the season. Most Tribunals use the Old Farmer Almanac definition of July 3rd to August 11th, though some find excuses to widen that range of dates. During these blistering days of summer (either bone-drought dry or chokingly humid depending on the region), the Tribunal acts against all those who have offended the Court of Wrath in some way during the other seasons.


Members of the Tribunal are notoriously apt when it comes to lying about themselves. In explaining where she was or why her collar is marked with three dots of dark blood, a Hound must lie with all her heart. In situations where a character lies about herself, her player gains +2 to the Subterfuge roll. Members of the Hound Tribunal are also taught the parameters of the secret Turncoat’s Assurance, below.

Pledge: Turncoats’ Assurance

— I vow on my treacherous heart that I shall go beyond the borders of this domain and shall never again let my iniquitous flesh cross the threshold now denied. Should I betray this pledge, my watcher shall become my hunter and all my fortunes are forfeit.

Type: Corporal, Nemesis Pledge

Tasks: Forbiddance, Greater (–3, the “turncoat” promises to never again return to the city from whence he is banished); Alliance, Lesser (+0, the two parties agree to a “peace pact”)

Boons: Blessing, Medial (+2, the “turncoat” is allowed to increase the Resources Merit by one dot to pay for “moving expenses”), Blessing, Lesser (+1, the turncoat gains one dot in the “Fleet of Foot” Merit so he can run his ass out of town as fast as possible)

Sanction: Curse, Greater (–3)

Duration: Lifelong (+3)

Invocation: 1 Willpower point, 1 Willpower dot

The Hound Tribunal wants to be clear about this point: an offer to commit to the Turncoat’s Assurance is a mercy. They’ve got a knife to the traitor’s throat and they’re only a few feet from the line marking the city limits. They want the traitor to know that a quick slip of the knife is the easiest thing to do, but they’re bringing an unexpected kindness to the table. Not buying into the pledge, well, that makes their job easy. That’s why most, when given the chance, gladly take the pledge. It’s better than bleeding out on the highway shoulder.

The Turncoat’s Assurance actually manifests as a written document: it can be penned on any kind of paper, and the exact text written is variable. The Hound must write up the document in the juice of a fruit or vegetable. The “turncoat” must sign his name to the pledge in the blood of some animal or insect that normally consumes that fruit or vegetable.


The Tribunal demands decisive members, Hounds who possess an unswerving (and in fact rather slavish) devotion to the Summer Court’s ideals. Anger is of no concern to the Honorable Hounds; even if a changeling’s rage scorches out of control and threatens to consume him, Hounds believe themselves capable of leashing that anger and directing it at those who deserve its burn. What is wrath, after all, but anger focused to a keenly-honed point?

The Tribunal is ostensibly a court of assessors that operates wholly in secret. A changeling cannot petition to join this noble order if she doesn’t know about it. For the most part, that means a changeling does not choose the Tribunal, but the Tribunal chooses her. Upon seeing one of the Lost perform some notable task in service to the Court, the Hounds begin to keep track of her. Over time, those who stand out might be selected to learn what it truly means to serve the Court as one of the Honorable Hounds.

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