Essence Reservoir

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Essence Reservoir
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Allowed Item
Immortals p. 111
Level(s) ● (2XP)
●● (6XP)
Venue Immortal
Possessed By
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Your character has some talisman or other item that can hold additional points of Essence. The character must touch this item to put Essence into it or retrieve Essence from it. The amount of Essence your character can put in or remove from this item every turn is limited by both how much Essence he can spend per turn and how much Essence the device can hold. A one-dot Essence reservoir can hold up to three points of Essence and must be at least as large as a small wrist watch or a large coin like a quarter. A two-dot Essence Reservoir can hold up to six points of Essence and must be at least as large as a large pocket watch or a cell phone. Regardless of their size, Essence Reservoirs can be made in any form, including being a working cell phone or watch. Essence reservoirs also exist in Twilight, the Shadow Realm and the Underworld. If the character is touching this item when he sends his mind into one of these realms, the item vanishes from the physical world and remains with him in the realm to which he travels. Also, as long as he is touching this item when he returns to his body, it reappears with him. Purified cannot create Essence Reservoirs, but they can bargain with spirits or some powerful mages who know the secret of their creation.

Facts about Essence ReservoirRDF feed
Character TypeImmortal  +
Merit Dots1  +, and 2  +
Merit TypeItem  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki.Merit Editor  +
ParentImmortals  +, and Essence  +
PermissionAllowed  +
SourceImmortals  +
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